Imagine Wrestling Dojo

The Imagine Wrestling Dojo is designed for all levels of experience from beginner to advanced. Our classes and instructors will help you learn what you need to know to get your start in professional wrestling.

You need to keep in mind that in professional wrestling there are NO GUARANTEES! While we cannot guarantee you a lavish and profitable living in professional wrestling, we can guarantee that we will train you to the best of YOUR ability! YOU and only YOU are responsible for how far you can make it in the world of professional wrestling!

Once you have attended and passed a tryout, your training will include:
*Emphasis on the fundamentals, drills, conditioning, ring psychology, development of timing and positioning, continuous evaluation, advice on character development, assistance with promos, etiquette and most of all…SAFETY!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to train at the Imagine Wrestling Dojo? What ages?
Imagine Wrestling will be offering wrestling instruction to anyone who’s dream it is to be a professional wrestler.

You must be 18 years of age to enroll in the Imagine Wrestling Dojo, however, with the consent of a parent/legal guardian you may enroll at the age of 16.

What sort of shape or size do I have to be in to train?
Imagine Wrestling encourages future students to be in a healthy shape, but it is not a requirement. There is no height/weight limit or requirement. All sizes welcome. At the Imagine Wrestling Dojo you will be conditioned upon enrollment and advise you of any changes we would like to see.

Where is the school located?
Altoona, Pennsylvania

Do you offer training other than wrestling (managers, referees, valets, etc)?
Imagine Wrestling does offer training in any area of professional wrestling; however, all new students must experience basic training.

How long will I be in training until I can have a professional wrestling match?
Everyone is different, and some progress faster than other. On average it takes between 3 months to a year to have basic skills to have a basic wrestling match.

I currently train somewhere else, but want to switch to the Imagine Wrestling Dojo, what can I do?
Imagine Wrestling invites students from other wrestling training places to check out and enroll.

Some days I can not make training, is that okay?
Yes, you are encouraged to come as often as you’d like. We require that you attend at least one day of training a week.

What days are trainings?
Trainings are held every Thursday at 6pm and every Sunday at 10am.

For more information or questions please contact us at (814) 204-2206.